Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Light vs Fear

found on http://favim.com/image/54072/
Oh my oh my, what a HUGE week I'm having! My brain is going bananas! That little voice inside my head is having a frenzy and won't shut-up, so... (now that the full-moon has passed) I find that the best way to regain calm and serenity is to put my head into words (and maybe someone else will get a giggle out of my internal dialogue dramas)!

This week I am feeling TERRIFIED!!! This wonderful Universe of ours has been tuning in to the Lala channel and I am being bombarded with top quality opportunities! My doorbell is ringing and each time I open it to see who's there it seems another ridiculously awesome opportunity is awaiting! Dr Alban's hit song from the 90's 'Sing Hallelujah' is playing in my head and if I knew how to do an Irish jig I would be river dancing up my lane way several times a day! Thank you Universe! You have been listening! Now it seems all I need to do is keep my head on straight and deliver the goods.

The time has come where I need to step things up a notch. All of the dreams I've been manifesting are coming true, and this move to Sydney is really developing into what I'd hoped it would. I'm finally working in film and have been working as a sewer on Baz Luhrmann's new movie 'Gatsby'. When I entered the workroom I almost fell down the stairs as I was overwhelmed by all of the glitz and glamor you would expect from any Catherine Martin designed show! I've been pinching myself every day as I'd drive into Fox Studios to go to work, and then be given the most exquisite bundles of fabrics and trims to turn into some of the most beautiful garments I've ever produced! I was in heaven... and I was working on a project that Leonardo Di Caprio would be starring in! Whooo hoooooo!!!!

My contract on 'Gatsby' was only a short one (as I was filing in for someone), but they liked my work so much that they're getting me to make things for them from home. What a compliment!

I've also scored some sewing work on another film I'd been aiming for which is the movie version of 'The Sapphires'. 'The Sapphires' were a group of four indigenous sisters who (back in the late 1960's) were Australia's answer to 'The Supremes'. I saw who was cast yesterday and it's going to be a fantastic Australian film. I'm very pleased to be working on such a production.

I also had a successful interview yesterday with Anthony Phillips, who is one of the best costume makers in the country. He's another person I've been aiming to work with as he produces the costumes in many of the big musical shows such as 'Mary Poppins' and 'Phantom of the Opera'. I'm starting a two week trial with him next week.

I'm not only amazed by these opportunities I'm getting, but also by how nice everyone is. I seem to be attracting so many good people into my life right now. Something is going on with my mojo and I like it (I hope it stays this way)!

So with all of these positive things happening right now, you may wonder how I even have the time to be getting myself into a tither over anything. It's really strange though... On Sunday night I was working away I was thinking about everything that's going on and I was terrified! All of these feelings of fear and angst were creeping in as I realized what a huge week I have ahead and how important it is for me to succeed. This is it! Judgement Day.... Yikes!

Im realizing that these are the moments when many people might just decide to back off a little and continue living within their means. Sometimes I envy people who are satisfied by cruising through life. It would certainly be less stressful! For me this isn't an option right now and this is what I have next to my bed to remind me of what I'm striving for:

"Our deepest fear 
is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are 
powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, 
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you NOT to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are born to manifest the 
glory of God that is within us.
It's not just within some of us;
It's in everyone!
And as we let our own light shine, 
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated by our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Nelson Mandella  - 1994 Inaugural Speech
Written by Marianne Williamson

So how are you living your life? Are you shining and sharing your light with others? Or are you living in darkness? Maybe you're a bit lazy and it's just easier that way? Maybe someone dark has influenced or wounded you and you're shrinking? How do you choose to live your life?

Photo by Morgan Roberts
Well for me, now that I've written this down I can see that my intention is clear and this week will be a breeze! I'm sure I'll continue having moments of vulnerability, and I really wish Skype would create online hugs! I really need my mum this week, but I am lucky enough to be blessed with wonderful friends and I live in a country with cheap phone calls so that's what I'm doing to get by!

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week! 
Love and light

Angie Lala xx