Since returning from Toronto is has been my major goal to get my credit card paid off and to save as much cash as I can! It's true... I do have a trip booked to Sydney for my birthday next month (a gal really has to get off this beautiful island celebrate in big city style sometimes!), but I seem to be the queen of having a Champagne lifestyle on a Passion Pop budget!
All of this week I have been listening to Deepak Chopra and his 'Seven Laws of Spiritual Success', and I've also been absorbing as much Louise L. Hay and her positive affirmations as I can! I've particularly been listening to her CD 'You Can Do It!' and it really has been giving me confidence and inspiring me to speak out loud and say what I wish for! I will admit... I do wait until my mum is up the other end of the house, but I'm saying what I want more freely now! I have also written some wealth affirmations on the fridge for both my mum and for me!
*These affirmations have been inspired by Louise L. Hay.
So for a week now I have been focusing my thoughts on welcoming wealth and prosperity! I start off with my morning sun salutations and that sets my mind in motion for the rest of the day! So.... what has happened?
Well.... I have managed to get work at schools I LOVE every day this week! I am also pre booked quite heavily for the next couple of weeks and with schools I love working at!
*Oh... For those of you who may not know... While I'm spending time with my family in Hobart, I put on my teacher's hat and work as a substitute primary school teacher! The hours are great and the pay is AWESOME!!! I love the kids too (as they really are just 'keepin it real') but it's only a job I can do in short bursts! I need to be creative!!! (and I also get very tired of telling kids off!)
So while the cash seems to be flowing in, my life seems to be gaining momentum too! I also have time and energy to work on my website and to network and seek out possible clients! I have just started an eight week 'Pole Dancing' course with my fabulous friend Bebe Sparkles who runs the 'Diamonds of Burlesque' Diamond Class School, and I enjoyed my first lesson so much that I'm now very keen to start the four week 'Burlesque' course! Not only is it an exciting personal prospect for me (as I've always dreamt of being on stage!), but what a wonderful opportunity to show off my creations and to meet other lovely ladies who would also like to wear them!
"I'm feeling positive and grateful, and I'm welcoming wealth and prosperity into my life!"
"Money comes easily to me and I'm always meeting people who appreciate my special skills and who compensate me generously!"
Have a wonderful and wealthy week!
Love Angie xx
PS: Thank you Louise Hay for your inspiring words! xx